Sunday, May 24, 2009

today's tiring. -.-"

hey (: how's life going? for me, its tiring. exam's coming. its on May 27th. *sigh. today mcm boringg. tadi woke up at 6ish, i think? then, mandi,makan and etc. pastu, online skajap. since my buddies online, soo, aku pun online. nda jadi skajap. haha. 2hrs kali aku online. ;/ hahaa. pastu, at 12ish, cousins dtg. andd, tadi ada sii 'H'. ohhoi, dia aku punya! haha. ;p ohhhh. *daydream. bah ehh, adang adang. mlayang2 udah pikiranku. hee. erm, me, my family && cousins lunch samasama. and then, ermmm.. my parents suruh blajar. soo, i revise maths. :D not bad though. huhh. bjurit bilik kuu. :( mmanyap skajap. tapi, nada skajap! it takes half an hour. gggrrhh. im tired. haah. so, aku lmpg2 and blogging. (: hee. okay. krg lagi post. takecare everyone<3.

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