Tuesday, May 26, 2009

exam's tmrrw. :/


how are you guys? hope fine. but i'm not fine here. coughing all the time. *cough. huhh. today? school's was just okay. we have a lot of work to do tadi. uhh. first, malay subject. not bad. copying some points 4 malay 1. then, we have maths. ohh, sir explain abt the sequences. at first, i was blurr. 'cause i got headache. :( but then, when the teacher gives us classwork. not classwork actually. one question jua saja. because we have only 5mins left. andd i was able 2 answer the question correctly. hooray! huh. whatevs. after maths, its science. going to the lab. Sit as usual, with NAD, NIZAH and ZAIMAH. erm.. we only did corrections. andd, kami main sabun tadi. aku bawa dari rumahh. ;) hahaa. lavender<3. then, me && nizah arah c ziana. kami main reinforcenment ringsnya. andd lakat lakat kan arahh... begpenselnya andd kawankawan. haha. jahatt kami ahh. tapi, masa kdapatan, durg blas balik. hahah. after atu, BREAK !! ohh yeah. time break, zaimah was so hyper. don't ask me whyy. haha. its like, she's the only one yg laugh as loud as..whatever. yg pnting, its LOUD. we talk about nizah actually. i don't remember the story. but its funny. they make me laugh although i'm not in a mood tadi. but thanks! :) after break, poa. ohh god ! kalat mata!!! but i still concentrate of what the teacher said. i turn around, andd look at my friends. each andd everyone ! banyak urg sleepy. yea, i can see. ada yg lmpg2, ada yg tutup muka, ada yg marung2. haha. macam macam lahh. ohh, baik jua after poa, p.e. ! p.e lesson was cancelled. i think so. pasal the o'level exam. i guess? so, instead of talking, kami susun meja. rajin kaliah ! (y) ;p its 4 tmrrw. exam ahh ! maths 1 andd malay 1. nervous makes me less-confident'. i've revise. SOME. *sigh. okay, kan revise duluu. :D wish me luck tomorrow. :)


stprians ; form 4;

goodluckk 4 tomorrow! all the best! :)

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